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The P.T.M.A (Precision Turned Parts Manufacturers Association of Ireland) is a Trade Organisation established over 25 years ago. It’s membership consists of 35 Ordinary members, 15 Technical members and 5 Associate members. An Ordinary member would typically be an Owner or Senior Manager of an indigenous business.

The P.T.M.A’s mission is to further the growth and development of the Precision Turned & Machined Parts industry in Ireland. It is an active association which runs quarterly meetings addressing various aspects of the members business such as – Quality Standards, Safety, Marketing, Technical R & D and Training & Development of staff and it provides a vital networking opportunity for its membership. Over recent years the P.T.M.A works in close liaison with L.I.T (Limerick Institute of Technology) who supports the growth of the industry by running Level 6 Precision Engineering courses and other training courses to meet the needs of the industry.